Expressive Arts Ireland
Specialising in individual and group therapy, offering a unique M.A. program, running
storytelling and performance events, working with schools and the community

We are thrilled to inform you that the Masters and Certificate Training Programmes in Expressive Arts are starting this summer in Kilkenny, Ireland.
Overview of the Masters & Certificate Training Programmes in Expressive Arts.
The European Graduate School (EGS) Masters Programme is a modular system of coursework designed for graduates seeking an initial or additional Masters degree in Expressive Arts.
The Masters in Expressive Arts is provided by the European Graduate School (EGS) located in Saas Fee, Switzerland, in collaboration with Expressive Arts Ireland. The Masters is comprised of six modules that are provided in both Ireland and Switzerland, and are designed with the aim of working while studying. The modules are also not required to be completed sequentially so students can decide when and how long it takes to achieve their qualification. It should be noted that course availability is subject to a minimum number of attendees and is solely at the discretion of the course providers.
The modules taught in Ireland are provided by Expressive Arts Ireland as an EGS recognised module provider, and consist of three or four-day weekends (Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday). In Switzerland, the modules are taught by the EGS as three intensive summer schools (June/July) held over three years.
Students have three Masters qualifications to choose from:
§ M.A. in Expressive Arts Therapy
§ M.A. in Expressive Arts Coaching and Consulting
§ M.A. in Expressive Arts Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding.
For those who don’t want to commit fully to the Masters programme, a Certificate in Expressive Arts is also available from Expressive Arts Ireland and is comprised of one Modules that are provided in Ireland. The successful completion of the certificate modules may also be counted towards the Masters programme if students want to continue their studies in the future.
Who would benefit from the M.A. in Expressive Arts.
The M.A. in Expressive Arts Therapy and Expressive Arts Coaching and Consulting are targeted at professionals, artists and community workers in the fields of therapy, health, human resources, coaching and education, who wish to engage with the Arts and work as agents of change. Art-making improves the health and quality of life for people and communities with challenges such as disabilities, psychological disorders, conflict and disharmony. The courses would be beneficial for people working in hospitals, addiction centers, hospice care, special needs education programmes, child/adolescent/adult mental health services and community settings.
Who would benefit from the Certificate Training Programme (Module K)
The Certificate in Expressive Arts is specifically designed for professionals working in the field of social work, education, community work and therapy, and who are seeking to incorporate the use of Expressive Arts into their professional practice.
The certificate programme is also suitable for artists who are interested in working as community art facilitators, and for individuals seeking further self-development.
All applicants wishing to complete the certificate must successfully complete the module titled "Introduction to Expressive Arts".
The M.A.Programme:
The M.A. Programme is comprised of six modules provided in both Ireland (Modules K, F & P) and Switzerland. The Masters in Expressive Arts Therapy (with a minor in psychology), the Masters in Expressive Arts Coaching & Consulting (with an option to focus on special education or education) and the Masters in Expressive Arts Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding are granted by the European Graduate School. The masters is 120 cp1 and a Bachelor of Arts or equivalent is required (note that an access exam may be possible through EGS). While the summer schools for the different Masters (i.e. therapy, coaching & conflict transformation and peacebuilding) are different, the three modules K, F & P in Ireland are the same for all M.A. studies and students who successfully complete these three modules obtain a Certificate in Expressive Arts Therapy programme (from Expressive Arts Ireland).
Here for example is the list of modules taken over three years for the Expressive Arts Therapy (with a minor in psychology) :
· Module K (Intermodal Expressive arts) 16cp ECTS2, lreland.
· Module ITS-P (Interdisciplinary Approach, Methods) 21cp ECTS, Switzerland-Saas Fee.
· Module F (Theoretical Foundation and Research) 24cp ECTS, Ireland.
· Module P (Field Work) 20cp, Ireland.
· Module ITS-D (Interdisciplinary Approach, Philosophical Base & Aesthetics) 21cp ECTS Switzerland – Saas Fee.
· Module IT-3 (Examination) 18cp ECTS, Switzerland – Saas Fee.
1 CP - ECTS credit points, 1cp = 30 hours
2 ECTS - European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System
A further overview of the M.A. Programme in Expressive Arts Therapy or Coaching from the European Graduate School is available on the website and
Entrance qualification for the Masters Programme
The formal entry requirements to the Masters Programme are regulated by the European Graduate School on the basis of accreditation and licensing by the National Commission for Further and Higher Education in Malta. Students who wish to complete a Masters Degree programme must, in addition to meeting the EGS admission requirements and being accepted onto the Certificate programme provided by Expressive Arts Ireland, must submit a separate EGS application form to the European Graduate School. This application form must be accompanied by correspondence from Expressive Arts Ireland consisting of a letter of recommendation and a confirmation of acceptance of your application to attend the Irish modules provided by Expressive Arts Ireland.
Students are granted acceptance into the Masters Programme of the European Graduate School on the basis of both an EGS admission interview and correspondence including course acceptance and a letter of recommendation from Expressive Arts Ireland.
EGS admission requirements for the M.A Programme
All applicants must have achieved the following:
§ Bachelor's Degree qualification e.g. BA, BFA, BSW, etc.
Bachelor Waiver: In exceptional cases, an access exam may be taken which offers applicants without a Bachelor´s Degree or its equivalent an opportunity to study at this institution in programmes leading to a Masters Degree. In all cases, the European Graduate School regulates the access procedure.
§ Attend and successfully complete an admission interview with a designated EGS faculty member. Interviews may be scheduled throughout the year with the programme director.
Dates and Details of M.A.Programme Modules K, F & P (Ireland)
2 Day Introduction to Expressive Arts Workshop on 22nd and 23rd of June 2017:
2 Day Introduction to Expressive Arts Workshop on 22nd and 23rd of June 2017:
This introduction workshop is intended to allow you to meet the Irish Module Instructors and to provide an introduction of the certificate and masters modules. This is a mandatory prerequisite workshop for the Certificate and M.A. study programmes.
The two-day Introduction to Expressive Arts Workshop will be held in Kilkenny, Ireland on 22nd and 23rd of June 2017.
The Workshop will take place on Thursday 22 June 17.00 - 20.00 and Friday 23 June 10.00 - 17.00.
Total workshop fee: €185 Students and
Unemployed €165
Please email for more information and to register to
Modual K can be taken as Certificate in Expressive Arts with enrolling other Modules required for the MA.
Module K (Intermodal Expressive Arts):
16 cp ECTS
Fee: €2,950 Euro
Module K Objectives:
The EGS provide the following objectives of Module K:
“The student is to have a highly developed working knowledge of low skill-high sensitivity work, using a wide range of art forms. He or she is to have spent many hours in the studio with a mentor developing skill and the capacity for inspiration. Those who are inspired, inspire. Each student is to be profoundly competent in “harvesting” the work in a sensitive and informed manner. Placing the work in a larger context means both multi-cultural and historic sensitivity that are both person specific and situation specific. And finally, working with both individuals and groups in an atmosphere of research that is playfully explorative and practically able to make discoveries that are useful to the client’s everyday life.”
Expressive Arts Ireland will ensure all students:
§ Obtain experience in handling different Art disciplines;
§ Develop their ability to express oneself technically / manually on a low skill level with high sensitivity;
§ Reflect on personal processes and how they are transferred to practice;
§ Obtain exposure to contemporary art with an understanding of the history of art;
§ Create their own work in an art discipline, accompanied by a specialist in the chosen art discipline (mentor);
§ Develop Demonstrate the capacity to stay within the artistic process;
§ Training Obtain experience working with high sensitivity within the Intermodal Expressive Arts-oriented methods;
§ Develop methods of instruction in and evaluation of artistically accompanied processes of change.
Module Competencies:
Aesthetic Analysis – Understanding phenomenological breakdown that is client and situation specific.
Counselling Skills – Able to dialogue with the client in a way that fosters conscious understanding of what occurred artistically.
Didactics – Understanding and practice of the theory of how to work intermodally.
Materials – Students are instructed in a wide range of situation specific materials.
Facility – A working knowledge of how to work with both individuals and groups in a variety of settings.
Skill – It is essential that each student have enough skill to lead clients safely through an artistic experience and enough sensitively to be both methodical and sensitive to the variety of clients.
Professional Ability
Work Oriented – The student is always moving toward creating a Work.
Completion – While the work is process oriented, completion of a Work is essential.
Contextualizing – The work is looked at from a larger, cultural and historic perspective.
Inter-modality – A conscious working knowledge of what modality is called for in specific instances.
Social Functioning
Discernment – Knowing the difference between “my work” and the “client’s work”.
Validation – Cultivating the ability to be supportive.
Difficulty – Moving through difficulty with grace and skill.
Interaction –Working as a good team member in making decisions.
Co-Creating – Sensitizing to the “We” of art-making.
Self Awareness
Shaping – Growing awareness of how to hold and shape a session.
Reflection – Moving with clarity in the creation of one’s own artistic process.
Solution Oriented – Becoming creative in moving through challenges.
Resourceful – Clear in how to bring your own values and style to any situation while being open and flexible to change and growth.
Dates and Times:
Seminar/Workshop 1
Expressive Arts oriented theatre, photography & multi-media (foundation workshops with a concentration on group work)
August 2017 - 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th. (4 days)
Seminar/Workshop 2
Expressive Arts oriented visual arts & land art (foundation workshops with a concentration on art-analogue and art-oriented attitude & eco-psychology)
September 2017 - 15th, 16th, 17th. (3 days)
Seminar/Workshop 3
Expressive Arts oriented storytelling & poetry (foundation workshops with a concentration on aesthetics and aesthetic responsibility)
October - 2017 - 6th, 7th, 8th. (3 days)
Seminar/Workshop 4
Expressive Arts oriented music & improvisation (foundation workshops with a concentration on the architecture of a session and working in teams)
November 2017 - 3rd, 4th, 5th. (3 days)
Seminar/Workshop 5
Expressive Arts work-oriented Intermodal art (module exam M) (qualifying exam – presentation of art work; with a concentration in decentering and aesthetic analysis)
April 2018 - 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th. (4 days)
Seminar 6
Expressive Arts as an aid in social change. Working with 'Community Art' as a method for community building. (Expressive Arts oriented ritual and working with community and individual resources-oriented approach.)
May 2018 – 11th, 12th, 13th. (3 days)
Timetable for the 4-day weekends:
Thursday: 13.00 – 18.30
Friday: 10.00 – 18.00
Saturday: 10.00 – 18.00
Sunday: 10.00- 15.30
Timetable for the 3-day weekends;
Friday: 13.00 – 19.00
Saturday: 10.00 – 18.00
Sunday: 10.00 – 16.00
Total Workload - 480 hours
Presence time (residency with faculty) - 160 hours
Self study - 320 hours, of which studio work - 180 hours
Entrance requirements for Module K / Certificate in Expressive Arts Training Programme
Students who wish to complete Module K must first:
§ Successfully complete the two day Introduction to Expressive Arts Workshop.
§ Application form with two references
§ Submit a deposit payment of €500 towards the course fee is required to be paid to Expressive Arts Ireland no later than the 18th of June 2017 to guarantee your place is reserved.
Payment plans and registration
A deposit of €500 euro must be paid to Expressive Arts Ireland before the 18th of June 2017 to guarantee your place in Module K is reserved.
A confirmation of payment will be sent to you by email.
If you are accepted to the Certificate programme, a confirmation email of acceptance will be sent to you by the 25th of June.
Once you have received the confirmation email, the remaining balance of €2,450 euro must be paid in full prior to the start of the course. Individual payment plans (over a maximum of four separate transactions) may be considered provided they are agreed with Expressive Arts Ireland in writing, prior to the start of the course. Please note that individual payment plans will not be considered once the course has commenced, and students who have not paid their course fees or agreed an individual payment plan prior to the start of the course may lose their deposit and may not be allowed to commence with the course.
Module F (Theoretical Foundation and Research)
24 cp ECTS
Fee: €2,200 Euro
Module F Objectives:
This module enhances the students understanding of processes of change, specifically with respect to the artistic process in the context of health and illness, human development and concepts such as “world view” and ”Menschenbild”. In the process of writing a thesis project, students will explore a special theme that leads to the formulation of a question – this questions is then researched on a practical, theoretical and artistic level to recognize the resources that strengthen and broaden the students own professional competence.
· Developmental Psychology (foundation)
· Biography as a Resource
· Understanding Health and Illness (Psychopathology & Salutogenesis within the Expressive Arts therapeutic Context)
· Evaluation of Medical Knowledge(Assessment for further training)
· Ethics and Menschenbild (professional ethics)
· Intermodal Research Colloquium – qualifying exam (at EGS summer school)
· Thesis Project
Module F Competencies: Methodology
Supporting the client’s ability to take action with adequate methodical interventions. To develop and practice art and arts analogue oriented theory.
Professional Ability
Assessment of prior knowledge to support a well-rounded competency.
Facile in moral concepts and epistemological thinking.
Ability to discuss the phenomena of change in mankind.
Develop a professional attitude.
Critical thinking.
Functioning in a professional manner with an organization.
The capacity to distinguish the difference between health and illness, recognizing pathology and salutogenesis as complimentary perspectives.
Social Functioning
Responding to conflict intelligently and creatively. Holding different positions with sensitivity. The capacity to have an agile response within discourse.
Self Awareness
Developing resource oriented capabilities. Accepting self limitations. Growth of knowledge and cultural sensitivity. Cultivation of personal resources.
Self directed research.
Module P (Field Work).
20 cp ECTS
Fee: 1320 Euro
Key Qualification:
Ability to practice and to be successful in Intermodal Expressive Arts practical work, to recognize resources, to be familiar with resource-and solution oriented approaches and feedback.
9 days over three weekend for the following learning events:
Internship Seminar Discussion of practical issues relevant to situations and themes from the internship
Expressive Arts Group Supervision Case supervision with a focus on interventions (module exam M)
Dates will be determined at a later date. This course will be starting in 2018.
Total workload: 600 hours
Practicum: 465 hours
Self Study: 30 hours
Group supervision: 40 hours
Internship Seminar: 20 hours
In order to complete this module, in addition to the workload outlined above each participant would need to undergo individual supervision and private therapy sessions. This can be done with Expressive Arts Ireland faculty or with another qualified therapist. The therapist would need to be approved by Expressive Art Ireland.
Individual supervision: 30 hours
individual therapy sessions: 15 hours
Module P: Field Work/Praxis Competency in solution focused EXA approaches Ability to recognize resources Ability to practice and succeed in Intermodal Expressive of ways