Expressive Arts Ireland
Specialising in individual and group therapy, offering a unique M.A. program, running
storytelling and performance events, working with schools and the community

The International Annual Expressive Arts Spring Symposium

Spring Symposium 2019 will be hosted in Ireland with the theme 'The song of the sea, longing for belonging. Registration open at
Expressive Arts Ireland hosted the 29th Expressive Arts Spring Symposium 29.3 – 3.4 April 2016 in Kilkenny Ireland. The chosen topic was "Anam Cara - Walking in the pastures of wonder." by John O'Donohue - poet, philosopher, and scholar, guides you through the spiritual landscape of the Irish imagination. Anam Cara, Gaelic for "soul friend," the ancient teachings, stories, and blessings of Celtic wisdom provide such profound insights on the universal themes of friendship, solitude, love, and death.
The 31st Expressive Arts Spring Symposium 2018 will be hosted in Berlin 03.04.18- 08.04.18 'Art as a Liberating Act 'I set the foot upon the air, and it carried'
Verde Zur of Expressive Arts Ireland would be teaching at the symposium with Prof. Sally Atkins of the Appalachian State University, North Carolina.
Workshop description:
Sally Atkins and Vered Zur
Earth and Air: Arts and Ritual
With one foot rooted in the Earth, we find the courage to step one foot in the air and explore the unknown in art and in life. Within the frame of a ritual space of earth, air, fire and water, we will create and explore an ongoing earth installation and shape poetry of “nevertheless,” poetry of survival and comfort.
A documentary made at the 29th Symposium hosted in Ireland
The Expressive Arts Spring Symposium is an international annual event hosted by Expressive Arts Schools and Institutes across Europe. It is a unique opportunity to meet and learn from international teachers and founders of the method.
Who will benefit: This event is designed as a professional development. People from different professions such as coaches, consultants, educators, human resources specialists, therapists and those engaged in conflict transformation.
It is open to all professional who seek to tap into their creative source in their line of work.