Expressive Arts Ireland
Specialising in individual and group therapy, offering a unique M.A. program, running
storytelling and performance events, working with schools and the community
Keshet Zur, B.A. in Photography and Media and M.A. in Expressive Arts Therapy.
Keshet Zur comes from a fine art background, she is a facilitator, therapist and co-founder of Expressive Arts Ireland. Keshet holds a Masters Degree in Expressive Arts with a minor in Psychology from the European Graduate School. In the last couple of years Keshet has worked as a facilitator with Autism Initiatives, organised and coordinated their annual art exhibitions. Currently she works privately with one of the artist from the group toward their solo show at The Mermaid Art Centre Bray in 2021. Keshet sees clients for individual sessions in Dun Laoghaire Co Dublin and facilitates workshops with Expressive Arts Ireland. Her practice is trauma informed and person-centered. Other organisation Keshet worked for as a teacher and facilitator include; Barretstown Charity, working as an Activity Leader with children affected by serious illness. S.A.Y.S. South Area Youth Service setting up a community garden and working as a facilitator, N.I.I.D. the National Institute for Intellectual Disability in Trinity College Dublin facilitating dance and movement classes, and for Enable Ireland as a dance teacher for wheelchair users.

Associates and visiting fellows:
Paolo J. Knill Ph.D., Dr. h.c.
Paolo J. Knill, born 1932 in Switzerland, is the founding rector of the European Graduate School EGS, Switzerland and a Professor Emeritus at Lesley University Cambridge, MA. He studied Science, Musicology and Psychology. He worked as a Psychotherapist, is practicing as Supervisor and is on stage as Musician and Performance Artist.
Paolo J. Knill is the founder of ISIS Switzerland and the Network of Expressive Arts Training Centers. As a teacher and artist he has traveled and published internationally, including the books Principles and Practice of the Expressive Arts Therapy; Minstrels of Soul and his Music is available on CD's (most recent: Syncopated Synapse).
Margo Fuchs Knill Ph.D.
Margo Fuchs Knill is Professor, Dean of the Masters Program, Division of Arts, Health and Society at the European Graduate School EGS and is also a founding faculty member. She is a former Assistant Professor at Lesley University, Cambridge, MA.
She is a registered therapist and play therapist supervisor, certified Expressive Arts therapist and a licensed mental health counselor. Margo Fuchs Knill works in private practice and teaches at training institutes in Europe and the USA.
Sally Atkins Ed.D.
Sally Atkins is a poet, writer, performing artist, psychotherapist, psychologist, registered Expressive Arts therapist and registered Expressive Arts consultant/educator. She is Professor of Human Development and Psychological Counseling and Founder of the Expressive Arts Therapy Program at Appalachian State University and Core Faculty of the European Graduate School EGS. She is the founding coordinator of the Appalachian Expressive Arts Collective and a member of the improvisational performing group, Gypsy Harvest.
Elizabeth McKim
Poet Laureate of EGS, and co-founder of the expressive arts movement. Elizabeth is senior lecturer in the graduate faculty of Lesley University’s Arts in Learning program. She has performed in Canada, Germany, Italy, Israel, Sweden, Switzerland and the United States. She has many times been artist-in-residence at EGS and has published four books of poetry as well as a teacher’s manual for teaching poetry to children. She is a recognized expert in the oral tradition.
Harold McKinney
Harold McKinney lives in the mountains of Western North. Carolina where he is active as a trombonist and teacher. Dr McKinney has been a professor at Appalachian State University for over thirty years where he continues to teach courses in music improvisation, philosophy of music, and expressive arts. He is a founding member of "King Street Brass" and the post modern hybrid improvisation ensemble, "Gypsy Harvest Annex." Dr McKinney has performed at the International Society for Improvised Music, the International Harvest Symposium for Expressive Arts, the International Spring Symposium for Expressive Arts, and the International Brass Chamber Music Festival. His summer activities have included service as visiting artist for the European Graduate School; teaching for the Appalachian Expressive Arts Institute, the Windswept Music Conference, and Cannon Music Camp; as well as performing for Mountain Home Music's "Blue Grass and Brass Show." He is recorded with Swiss pianist Paolo Knill on the CD "Saas Fee in Appalachia" and with Kniil and percussionist Robert Falvo on Gypsy Harvest's "Syncopated Synapse."
Maureen Murphy, Ph.D. in Chemistry, M.A. in Expressive Arts Coaching
Maureen is an interdisciplinary artist, trained scientist, coach and facilitator. Maureen is qualified in Expressive Arts Coaching, Consulting and Education with a minor in psychology from the European Graduate School. She facilitates team, personal and resilience development workshops within companies and with private individuals. She is an Expressive Arts Coach and consults in Organizational Development work.
Maureen comes from a background of interdisciplinarity and leadership and is driven by the bridging of apparent differences for the benefit of all. She has researched synthesis in chemistry; exploring pathways for new outcomes and enabling transformation. Now she is developing a foundation for working with the expressive arts in a regulated, high-paced and complex multinational environment with an attitude of humanness and to enable bridging soul with goal.
Maureen grew up in Ireland in a big Irish-German family. She is a singer-songwriter of folk country songs with Irish influence, plays piano, whistle, and guitar. She also paints and draws, writes poetry, dances and sources inspiration in nature. She has lived in Australia and currently lives and works in Switzerland.

Boaz Zur, B.E.d in Special Education. M.A. C.A.G.S in Expressive Arts Therapy.
Boaz is international storyteller, writer, performing artist, special education and kindergarten teacher with a B.E.d, therapist and co-founder of Expressive Arts Ireland.
He holds a Masters Degree in Expressive Arts Therapy with a minor in Psychology and Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies from the European Graduate School and Lesley University. He facilitates group work and individual sessions for professional development, using an intermodal approach. Boaz worked as an Expressive Arts Therapist in a Cancer Support Center in Kilkenny for four years. Boaz has spent ten years with his family in life sharing communities for people with special needs, in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Ireland. He was a Bio-Dynamic Gardener. He is also a Complementary therapist, member of C.T.h.A. He has developed his own therapeutic practice, using a variety of techniques including Aromatherapy, Reflexology and Hydrotherapy, which involves techniques in Watsu, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Swimming.
In the last two years Boaz and Vered have travelled around the world, mainly in third world countries. They facilitated Expressive Arts workshops in North, Central and South America and also in South East Asia, Australia, New Zealand and in Europe.They have collected and told stories from around the world, organising storytelling events internationally. Boaz integrates the art of storytelling in his work as an expressive arts therapist. He is currently completing his P.h.D. in Expressive Arts Therapy and is a member of I.A.C.A.T.
Vered Zur, B.E.d in Education. M.A. C.A.G.S. in Expressive Arts Therapy.
Vered is a teacher, therapist, co-founder of Expressive Arts Ireland and an intermodal artist working with arts, nature and community. She delivers, teaches and facilitates both professional and personal development workshops for groups, communities and individuals. She has a Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies from the European Graduate School, and a Masters Degree in Expressive Arts Therapies from the European Graduate School and Lesley University. She holds a B.E.d in Education and Literature.
Over the past thirty years Vered has developed and facilitated education and community projects globaly. She has worked in the education department of Israel, responsible for special projects on democracy, peace and understanding in areas of conflict, and the building of multi-disciplinary programs combining arts and teamwork. These projects involved school principals, teachers, parents and students. She was a member of the Institute for Democratic Education, involved in the creation of new community schools incorporating democratic principles as part of the school ethos and curriculum. In Kilkenny Ireland, where she is now based, she works with the Transition Town Movement to raise environmental awareness, and is a committee member of the suicide prevention group Lifeline. She was a long term member of the Camphill Community in Ireland and Scotland, working and living in a life sharing community with children and adults with special needs. Vered has studied in Israel, Ireland and Switzerland. She is an intermodal artist working with arts, nature and community. Currently Vered is completing her P.h.D., working with Eco Psychology/Eco Therapy - using Expressive Arts and Eco-Therapy to deepen community engagement with the natural world. She is a member of I.E.A.T.A. and I.A.C.A.T.